
Finchley Golf Club

Reciprocal Golf Membership at Finchley

Play for free or at discounted rates at golf clubs across the UK and further afield. We have the following reciprocal golf agreements:


Through our Country Membership partnership with MASHIE, the UK's leading Premium Golf Club network. Finchley Golf Club members have the opportunity to experience a wide range of golfing benefits via the MASHIE smartphone App. Instead of calling the golf courses, the App helps you plan and book. Benefits include:

  • Access to some of the most exclusive golf clubs in the UK and overseas
  • Preferential green fees for you and up to 7 guests with discounts of between 10-60%
  • A concierge tee time request and booking service
  • Access to a wide range of offers from golf and lifestyle companies
  • The RRP value of this membership is £150 per annum
  • New golf venues being added regularly as the network expands

Visit Mashie Club website

SmartGolfer Network

You can play for free at this unique group of golf clubs in the network. Each club in the network makes available two tee times per day, Monday to Friday, to other SmartGolfer Network club members. It is at the discretion of the host club whether to allow further tee times on each day or at all having regard to other club commitments.

A full list of clubs taking part in the scheme is available here.

SmartGolfer Network courses

Association of James Braid Courses

A collective of courses which were designed or re-designed by James Braid. They are located in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, one in Jersey and one in New York. Finchley Golf Club members and members of all of the clubs in the association can enjoy preferential green fees at these courses though please check booking procedures for each course. This list is updated each year with new member clubs.

Download the 2024 full list of James Braid courses.

The County Card Scheme

Reduced green fees at hundreds of clubs throughout England. You can apply for a card through Middlesex Golf.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.