
Finchley Golf Club

Entrant List for Xmas Turkey Trot

67 players have been signed up for this competition as of 8:50 PM Monday 6th January

Ben Benawra (8.3)
Howard Bentwood (5.3)
Colin Bird (17.2)
Kerin Black (28.1)
James Bliss (10.6)
Rik Boxer (20.3)
Joe Brayford (13.2)
Alexander Brown (9.4)
Mark Chapman (18.5)
Chris Cleland (10.6)
Malcolm Coates (26.0)
John Coleby (16.4)
Stephen Connors (9.2)
David Conway (23.3)
David Cronshaw (17.0)
Jonathan Downe (19.0)
Sally Field (30.2)
Clare Fielding (27.1)
John Gee-Grant (18.1)
Bernard George (13.0)
Jeffrey Gold (24.7)
Michael Green (13.8)
Sean Greenfield (9.2)
Natalie Groh (10.3)
Rudi Guraziu (6.5)
Haydn Gush (6.2)
Adam Harper (12.1)
Anthony Harris (23.3)
John Hart (29.5)
John Heffernan (30.8)
Keith Howlett (12.7)
Tom Huntley (8.4)
Andrew Jamieson (3.8)
Gary Kan (13.2)
Richard Land (4.5)
Scott Leaver (11.0)
Russell Levine (17.7)
Glyn Liggins (12.6)
Jeffrey Long (11.1)
Reece Malcolm (12.4)
Steve Morris (16.6)
Gerry O'Donohoe (4.9)
Alex Obiako (11.5)
Paul Orovan (6.5)
Simon Parkinson (8.9)
Richard Pfeiffer (27.7)
Aiden Power (28.0)
David Robey (16.2)
Andrew Rose (7.5)
Paul Ruse (31.3)
Tim Rushforth (18.5)
Sam Selhaoui (17.4)
John Shinnors (13.7)
Sebastian Smart (13.8)
Oliver Smith (15.1)
Antonio Specchia (43.1)
James Spitzer (4.0)
Marc Summer (10.8)
John Wainwright (23.8)
Yoichi Wakabayashi (16.2)
Murray Wallis (24.0)
Paraic Whelan (1.6)
John Winful (14.1)
Nick Winters (19.3)
John Wright (14.3)
Allan Yarish (19.4)
K S Yoon (23.6)

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